Does Your Audience Trust You?

It is tedious, but crucial, to cultivate an online presence for your church. People don’t show up at the first church they see. They research options beforehand. Churches cannot have a negative or a nonexistent presence online. Online audience does not care about who...

Can People Find You Online?

The need for churches to be found online is increasing. People use hashtags and find information using search engines. They search anywhere and at anytime. Search engines such as Google have improved the ability to locate information. Consider this: Local searches...

Do People Know You?

Seth Godin, in “This is Marketing”, presents a few simple marketing questions. Here are seven that I think about: What is the world view of the audience you’re seeking to reach? What change are you seeking to make? How will it change their status? Why will they tell...

Effective Leaders Use The Best of Technology

German goldsmith, Johanne Gutenberg invented the printing press around 1436. Church leaders moved from hand-copied manuscripts to the first print run of the Bible in Latin. It took three years to print around 200 copies! Legend has it that in the month of October,...

Church Leadership 4.0

Church 1.0 was location-based. Leaders erected church buildings. People came to the church on Sundays. Having a better parking lot meant more visitors. We had restricted hours, mostly on Sundays, and people came when the doors were open. It was not a 24/7 experience....

1 to 10 Things Every Church Leader Should Know

I was looking at the last five books that I wrote. They are on Church Leadership, Administration & Church 4.0. Church 4.0 is Phygital as we have witnessed the merging of the physical and the digital. If I was to bring out the main points from these books, it will...

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