Singh on Mondays

In an age of innovation, I blog on Mondays about Organizational Leadership,
Church Growth, and Marketing.

Current Blogs
Does Your Audience Trust You?

Does Your Audience Trust You?

Online audience does not care about who you are, what you do, or what products and services you provide. They care about themselves, their wants, and their pain points. While they are forming an opinion about your church, they are processing four questions.

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Can People Find You Online?

Can People Find You Online?

The need for churches to be found online is increasing. People use hashtags and find information using search engines. They search anywhere and at anytime. Search engines such as Google have improved the ability to locate information.

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Do People Know You?

Do People Know You?

With our fast-paced and physical (physical and digital) world, people communicate with brands and online content more quickly and easily than ever. More than 4.2 billion people are already connected online, and 3.4 billion are publicly sharing their personal information with the world. How do you connect with them?

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