Singh on Mondays
In an age of innovation, I blog on Mondays about Organizational Leadership,
Church Growth, and Marketing.
Current Blogs
Effective Leaders Use The Best of Technology
German goldsmith, Johanne Gutenberg invented the printing press around 1436. Church leaders moved from hand-copied manuscripts to the first print run of the Bible in Latin. It took three years to print around 200 copies…
Church Leadership 4.0
There is no “one-size-fits-all” guide available to leaders. The overall size of the church helps to decide the scale of administration. Small churches need to attract online viewers and engage with them locally to grow. Mid-size churches face the challenge of expansion but controlling costs. Large churches need to innovate to avoid burnout.
1 to 10 Things Every Church Leader Should Know
I was looking at the last five books that I wrote. They are on Church Leadership, Administration & Church 4.0. Church 4.0 is Phygital as we have witnessed the merging of the physical and the digital. If I was to bring out the main points from these books, it will...